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Can a hair and nails stops growing?


Can a hair and nails stops growing?
First it s good you now that nails never stop growing but in the case of hair they grow in cycles. Yes there are many a time when hair stops to grow this can be notice both in adult which is called balding  while in children it could be as a result of deficiency in some needed nutrients or as a result of illness, while others it could be as a result of genetic influence these are the major ones though there may be other reasons to it;

As for nails, as have said nails never stop growing the only way and time a nail stops growing is when it is badly injured or infected by a disease such as germs and bacterial infection which is left untreated, otherwise the nail grows all the time though the growth might not be noticeable yet it grows .

For human hair it is in phase or a cycle, this is how it works, the follicle is made active hence hair grows, when it reaches it maximum it fall off and then start the process all again most time we do not notice when our hair stop growing.

But for nails most time they get broken or trimmed before it reaches the actual maximum length. if you are trying to grow a long nail then you have to take proper can so to avoid getting it breaking.