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How can you take out contact lenses without using your fingers?


How can you take out contact lenses without using your fingers?
Now for people with long finger nails and want to get off the contact lens in their eyes though it may be very difficult removing it with your finger as a result of the long nail you can still do it with using the nails. I have heard of people who try to remove it with their long nail only for them to get their eyes injured thus the need to look for other alternative in removing the contact lens.

First if you can not do it yourself look for some one else to help in removing it. Other way got to with you opening your eyes as wide as you can then pull back the eye right from the corner closet to the ear this makes the eye ball look widen like that of the Chinese eyes, in this shape all you got to do is to really blink continuously for sometime the contact lens will fall off, that is all.

How to make sure you don’t catch something from nail saloon
First you have to make sure that equipments and instruments use are well sterilized, in this regard the sterilization should be done in your presence thus killing all germs and bacterial and good for use.

Also you have to watch the type of salon you go to for your nail manicuring, go to clean and certified saloon, the one you know very well that they disinfect their tools before they use it on any one.