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How long do acrylic nails last and price


How long do acrylic nails last and price
To the price and how long acrylic nails will last will depend on lots of factor which will be discussed in this post

First in terms of price for acrylic nails, if you are going to fix it in a saloon the price varies depending on the beautician you are using , for the average you can get it done for about $20 to $30 but if you want to add designs to make it more unique as this requires extra work you can get it at about $40 - $45 , in summary on the average you can get it around $20 , this is still on the cheaper side and lots of the female folk can very much afford it.

Now to the second question how long will the acrylic nail last
I took time out to ask some ladies the duration of time their nail normally last with this product the majority of them claims 2 weeks, 3 weeks.

Most time it thus look really pretty for about two weeks and from the third week it some thing else at this stage most ladies get rid of it for another one, but there is a better alternative you can refill them every two weeks with this can last upto a six months with proper maintainace.
Also if you are the type that engages in a lots of activities such as house chores and you can still keep the nail for a longer time by wearing a gloves when washing dishes or other activities that may affect the nails, this serve as a protecting coat over the nails thus making it last longer time.