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How to stop biting off my finger nails


How to stop biting off my finger nails?
There are so many adult boys and girls who really want to stop biting their nails most of the time they try hard but later return back to the same nail biting habit, some have tried different methods yet it is still not working and it is more like an embarrassment in the public see a big boy or girl at that age still biting nail while some are still fond of thumb sucking.
Now to deal with the this very issues once and for all, you have to find out first while your nails is always in your mouth, is it that when you are nervous the only way to relive yourself is just by biting hard on the nails? or it is a habit you grew up with and really want to put an end to?

Here Are Very Vital Tips That Will Be A Key Factor In Permanently Stopping Nail Biting

This tip as well work for boys and girls that are thumb sucking, first always have this in your sub consciousness that you are going to stop biting your nail irrespective of what happen to you either be in you are nervous state or whatever it may be always remained yourself that you won’t do it. 

For ladies always paint the nails with polish, most polish don’t taste good or you can get nail strengthener to use on the nails, paint it with color that will be very visible such that whenever you are about to bite the nail when you see such colure this will surly remind you of the bitter taste as well as remind yourself on how you want to stop nail biting.

For nail polish it is very cheap to buy, available in the market. To make them have bitter taste you can add vinegar to the polish that will give it the needed sour taste and you have to constantly be applying the polish, even when going out you should have it in your purse or at home closest to you.

If you should put to practice this simple but effective tip with two to three weeks you will find that neither nail biting nor thumb sucking will be a thing of the past.