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What is the best toenail fungus treatment?


What is the best toenail fungus treatment?
There are many alternative when it comes to the best toenailfungus treatments, you can find it in tablets, in ointments as well in herbal plants all of these are all effective ways of treating toenail fungus infection.
You also must know that the severity of the infection matters a lot has this will determine which of the treatment option to go for. For quick treatment the use of drugs is always and stills the best, yet you need directive from doctor on how to take these drugs because there are lots of side effects associated with these drugs. Also along with the use of drug you can as well be using ointment on the external part of the affected toenail, thus making it a double dose which means that you are treating it internally and also externally.

But if you are the type that don’t make use of drugs a better alternative will be the use of herbal plants or home made remedy.  Home remedies are usually effective when the infection is in it early stage, and also you must know that it takes a lot of time for it to be cure and there are no form of side effect of any kind using this method.
In my own opinion the best cure for toe nail fungus really depends on the stage at which the infection is, and the type of drugs or medication you are using at that particular time.