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Which is better, prescribed fungal nail treatment or over the counter?

Which is better, prescribed fungal nail treatment or over the counter?
Which is better, prescribed fungal nail treatment or over the counter, there are  some factor that you need to consider before jumping into conclusion in this very issue.

  1. First have you been treating the nail infection before now and what drugs or medication have you been using?
  2. Has there been any improvement since you started the treatment ?
  3. Is this the very first time of contracting this infection or it comes and goes?
  4. right from  the day one you noticed the nail fungal infection have you visited a dermatologist
  5. And lastly why would you want to change from the drugs you are using now to over counter drugs?

You must first find cogent answer to the above question because it goes a long way in the treatment of this infection. It might be you have been using other kind of treatment that are not effective and you want to change to over counter drugs, knowing you health history and other drugs you have taken in the past is very key in this matter otherwise you might end up abusing drugs and your body becomes resistance to the treatment or you might have some body reaction which might not be good to your health.

However, hear are some of good and very effective over the counter drugs I will recommend for nail fungus treatment.

The use of amorolfine and ciclopirox also known as Penlac in the form of nail lacquer, they are made up of higher active ingredients it remain on the nail after it has cured the fungus, but their penetration is limited hence they are good for lesser or minor cases of nail fungus infection and it takes about a year to see 100% cure of the infection

The terbinafine (Lamisil) or itraconazole: this is administered orally this is best suited for an acute case of nail fungus treatment, the advantage of this type of drug is that it has a higher penetration it goes straight right into the nail bed and stays there for a longer time as well as dealing with the infection from it root, also it takes shorter time to completely cure the fungus infection,. Usually within twelve to thirteen weeks of taken the drugs the fungus should have been cleared completely.