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When is the right time to cut your nails?


When is the right time to cut your nails?
Actually speaking when is it right to cut or trim yournails? There are different views to this particular question, for people who tend to train their nail they do not need nail cutting.
While for people who keep short nail will love to cut them once they get longer. The best time to cut your nail really depends on an individual; if you feel it is too long and you are uncomfortable with it the you can trim it.

Other instances that will make you trim you nails should you have a long nails it that when the nails starts to break you have no other option that to trim it but make sure that you don’t cut it such that it becomes too short this makes the finger look dumb, medium size is okay.

Or if you want to carry out actives that involves working with your hands and you know that such activities will break the nails or cause dirt’s hang out inside the nails, that is the best time for you to do the cutting, but if you really don’t want to clip off the nails there are other alternative such as wearing a protective gloves on the hand before commencing with what you are to do in that way you can save the nail from breaking.

But then I will advise for the nail to be clean it is good to always trim to a moderate size, file or apply nail buffer as well as nailpolish when needed.