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how to treat nail fungal infection


How to treat nail fungal infection
There are many ways in which you can treat nail or fungal infection but right here I will be dealing on most effective ways that can get rid of such fungal bacterial permanently without it coming back again.

This methods got do with the use of house hold ingredients and herbs, thus eliminating the use of drugs which has negative side effects on most users. Listed below are some of the effective methods you can use in dealing with this aliment.

1 For minor cases of nail infection the use of vinegar and hot water is mostly used, in this case the affected nail is dipped into the hot water which is mixed with the vinegar substance. Vinegar is very powerful substance that has the capacity of destroying any form of infection thus it is best used when such infection is in it early stage.  Also you must know that this method takes a longer time in curing the nail infection.

2. Tea Tree Oil: these are herbal plants that fights against nail fungal infection, now for proper and effective usage you need to mix equal proportion of the Tea Tree Oil with olive oil then apply directly on the affected nail daily for about a week if the fungal infection is still not cured you have to continue with the application of the treatment for the next week until you see positive changes.

3.  The use of beer: this involves soaking the affected nail on a beer poured in a bowl or a bucket as the case might be leaving it for 30minutes each day for a week still you see significant changes this also is a good means of getting rid of nail fungus.